Welcome to Tatnic Witch Herbals!

Inspired by our relationship with nature and the extraordinary world of plants, Tatnic Witch Herbals strives to bring you love, balance, and healing by connecting you to the magic of the medicine growing all around you. Lissa believes that education surrounding the multitude of practical, physiologically beneficial, and easily accessible uses of plants empowers her clients to care more fully for themselves and inspires stewardship of our environment.  As a Clinical Herbalist, she strives to reconnect her clients with their own bodies, and with the power of mutual symbiosis with the natural world.   Lissa’s clinical practice brings clients into relationship with plants—and their abundant medicine—with the goal of achieving balance and wellness in the body.   And as a folk healer and witch, Lissa endeavors to bring Magic back into her clients lives—to remind them of the magic of connection to the Earth, to each other, to their own intuition and “knowing”—to the Magic of standing in their own magnificent power and loving themselves with all of the vigor and fullness they deserve.

What is Herbalism and what can a Clinical Herbalist do for you?

Herbalism is the practice of utilizing the incredible complexities of plants — their chemistry, intelligence, and spirit — to work harmoniously with our bodies to achieve balance and vitality. Our bodies, equally complex, are engineered to communicate with plant medicine and to utilize it to maintain optimal health. As a clinical herbalist, it is my work to facilitate this conversation between your body systems and the plants, and to ensure that it is the most meaningful one possible. This requires that I listen carefully throughout our session for clues that might point to your body’s specific needs, and that I connect you with the plants who are most readily able to lend you their particular help. Plant medicine is a holistic modality—it requires a thorough examination of how all of the “pieces” fit together, and strives to find the source of the imbalances that may be presenting themselves as symptoms. We do not use plants in the allopathic Western model of medicine (“take this for that and that for this”) to correct symptoms, but rather, we look deeper—for the underlying causes. Plant medicine is slow medicine. It requires patience. It does not work in the same way that pharmaceutical medicine does, and this is largely because most pharmaceuticals work to quickly suppress, rather than to address. You and I will work together, with the plants, to discover how we can truly bring your body back into balance—back to its most vibrant, magical self.

Upon scheduling your appointment, you will receive an intake form to be filled out and returned two days prior to your consultation.  During your session, you and Lissa will explore your overall health, any particular symptoms and/or area(s) of concern that you may have, and your personal goals for physical and emotional well-being. You may expect the possibility that Lissa will employ (with your permission) a number of traditional assessment techniques in order to help her better understand your overall condition (these may include pulse, tongue and facial diagnosis, basic iridology, and energetic dose testing).  At the end of your session, you will discuss a general plan regarding the best way forward—you may expect to receive a detailed recommended protocol within 2-3 days. Recommended herbs and tincture will, generally, be available for pickup within 3-7 days.

Spellcraft as Medicine

Simply put, Spellcraft is the act of designing, writing, and performing a spell.  But it’s a much richer, more complex, experience than that.  It is a creative process. A meditative process. Often a cathartic, clarifying, and healing process. In fact, the fine art of Spellcraft can, itself, be medicine.  A thoughtfully crafted spell is an exercise in creativity, multi-dimensional problem solving, meditation, connection to self, and connection to Spirit and to the Earth.  When we think deeply about what we’d like our spellwork to accomplish, we are pressed to look deeply at the issue at hand, at ourselves, and at the world around us.  Sometimes, as we embark on this journey of creation, we find that our goals are something rather different than our first impulse, or new aspects of our desire illuminate themselves.  As we ruminate on what we’d truly like the work to bring to fruition, we may be confronted with new angles to consider, or perhaps the need that had felt at the forefront now distills and settles into something much simpler.  In crafting the spell, we engage in deep self-exploration in order to properly set our intentions.  This exploration lets us drop into ourselves, gifting us new depths of self-knowledge—embodying and empowering us.  And all of this happens before we even begin calling in the help of the plants, stones, animals, elements, deities or other energies that we ask to aid our work.  Then those relationships deepen and expand, transforming our understanding of the ways in which everything around us connects.  The design elements of the spell—from clarifying and setting the intention, to writing the words we intend to speak (even if not aloud), to choosing the energies best suited to work with us, to collecting the tools and materials we will use to amplify the work, to considering the timing (often corresponding with the phase of the moon, and/or other relevant rhythms), to the aesthetics of how we will physically lay the work out or perform the ritual, etc. are all incredible opportunities to consider and create beauty, relationship, and meaning.  This effort—the pursuit of beauty, relationship, and meaning—born of our desire to achieve a particular outcome, raises and shifts energy.  And the Universe notices.  This is how we manifest change. This is how we make our own medicine.

During your Spellcraft Session, Lissa will guide you through the many aspects of crafting a successful spell.  You will discuss setting intentions, timing (moon phases, Wheel of the Year, etc.), Magical Correspondences (including plants, colors, animals, crystals, etc.), magical writing, tools and materials, structuring Ritual, and ethical considerations.  Lissa will help you design, build, and gather necessary tools/materials—It will be up to you to work the Spell.  (Of course, Lissa will be available for support and to answer any questions you may have as you lean into that work.)


• Clinical Herbal Consultations

• Spellcraft Sessions

• Reiki Sessions

• Apothecary

• Workshops & Classes

  • Clinical Herbal Consultations
  • Spellcraft Sessions
  • Reiki Sessions
  • Apothecary
  • Workshops & Classes