Ellen Adams of River Oaks Cacao– Journeys of the Heart is a Certified Ceremonial Cacao Practitioner, Retreat Facilitator, Licensed Professional Counselor and Reclaiming Tradition Priestess.

Ellen offers guided journeys in a retreat setting, working exclusively with Keith’s Cacao.  The psychoactive qualities of cacao enhance our ability to connect to our heart space for a grounded yet expansive experience.  She is trained as a Ceremonial Cacao Practitioner with Keith’s Cacao, a high spirit cacao grown and tended sustainably, ethically and lovingly near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.  To this she also brings her many years’ experience as a psychotherapist as well as a priestess in the Reclaiming Tradition, a contemporary witchcraft tradition focusing on earth-based spirituality, social justice, and personal growth.

Ellen’s Journey…

I am new to York — moved here in January 2024. I have spent nearly all of my 68 years in Virginia, the last 33 in a rural community where I raised my two kids and worked as a mental health and substance use therapist.  I have been a pioneer in many ways, opening to discover new aspects of myself and me in relationship to others.  The past three years I have been on a course of sovereignty, freeing myself from aspects that no longer serve me, stepping into a new vision of my future.    

I am a semi-retired psychotherapist who discovered the power  of cacao as a marvelous ally in this process of healing and renewal. Having found this sacred plant medicine and superfood, I trained as a Ceremonial Cacao Practitioner in the Fall of 2022 (through Keith’s Cacao) to offer the remarkable benefits of 100% ceremonial grade cacao to others.  It is clear to me that cacao is calling for her medicine to be shared, supporting our connection back to Mother Earth/Gaia, to our most compassionate selves & connecting to each other from this place. She has become a powerful and beautiful ally for me on my journey of tuning into high levels of consciousness and creating healing, safe spaces for others to discover this connection, one that begins at the heart. Cacao helps us drop into our heart space and expand from there.

I am so very pleased to be connected to the RISE Wellness Collective community and to offer River Oaks Cacao journeys to the community.


  • 3 Hour Facilitated Mini-Retreat- Guided Journey with Cacao- up tp eight people.  $61
  • Private Mini Retreat – Gather some friends for a private  guided journey with cacao. Price dependent on location (yours or mine) and number of participants
  • Solo Private Journey with Cacao-  For those who’d prefer to be introduced to this sacred plant medicine without the group dynamic.  Price dependent on location (yours or mine)
  • Team-building  mini retreat for your company.  What better way to build connection than to share in a guided journey with cacao. Contact me to discuss needs and details.


  • Cacao Journeys
  • Private Group Retreats
  • Private Solo Journeys
  • Team Building Mini-Retreats

Wavy Circle

“Such a circle of wisdom and compassion.”

“It was quite a beautiful journey, and I so appreciate the chance to take part in the ceremony. Despite a busy weekend, I have found myself creating space to sit outside, just to be. “

“I always leave feeling so rejuvenated from both the cacao and this shared community time.”